Believe it or not, getting a new set of brake pads is not a permit to simply start a cycle of repetitive aggressive highway acceleration and sudden braking. New brake pads and rotors actually require a break-in period which takes a little time. It is a process that is also known in some professional circles as brake bedding.
Many drivers cause undue wear & tear to their new brake pads and rotors by following a step-by-step bedding procedure such as the one below:
Step 1: Find a Quiet, Empty Place to Drive
The best place to get the job done is an empty parking lot or any road that is quiet and free from traffic or pedestrians..Begin driving the car and increasing its speed up to 65 mph. It is imperative that this is done in an area that is free of pedestrians. It may mean getting up early or performing the breaking in process at night.
Step 2: Hard Brake Test 1 — 40-mph
First, you need to get the car up to 40 mph (35 mph is sufficient if you are more comfortable at that speed). Before pressing firmly down on the brakes, bring the car’s speed right down but not to a complete stop. Try not to let your speed drop below 5 mph throughout this step. Repeat this step at least twice, although 3 times is usually the optimal cycle.
Step 3: Hard Brake Test 2 — 50-mph
Now it’s time to try and build up a little more speed. This time, accelerate the vehicle to 55 mph and then apply a similar hard brake pressure that you used in the previous step to slow your car’s speed again. As before, you will want to bring your speed down as much as possible but not below 5 mph.
This step should be repeated at least 4 times, although 5 times produces optimal results. One more provision is that your braking should not be hard to the point of locking your wheels or activating the anti-lock braking system (ABS).
Step 4: Cool Down Process
By now, you have given your brakes an adequate workout, and like the end of any workout you will need a cool down process to restore the brakes to a normal state. The best way to do this is to simply drive around your area at a steady speed while trying to keep any applications of the brakes as light as possible. Once again, avoid coming to a complete stop so stay away from intersections. It is best to do your testing in an empty parking lot.
Step 5: Park and Leave to Cool
At the end of this process, you will need to return the vehicle home to its regular parking spot, turn it off, and then let it cool down completely. The brake bedding process is complete.
Why Is This Process Necessary?
The procedure mentioned above is not necessary for every driver and/or car, but it holds great benefits and is most efficient to get the job done. If you also simply drive your car around in measured fashion for the first few days after getting your new brake pads and rotors fitted, then you will have also performed an adequate break-in procedure. Take note though that bedding procedure is simply a faster and more controlled process.
If you want to learn more about high-quality, long-lasting brake pads and rotors, as well as how to care for them then visit our online store.