Maintenance of a vehicle can sometimes be burdensome. It’s one of the many monthly expenses that take a toll on your finances. Although cars need periodic visits to the garage for routine servicing, it doesn’t necessarily have to be that way. What’s important to note is that there are several problems that you can fix yourself, when it comes to repairing your vehicle. You can find tools and parts of a vehicle readily available on the internet today. With these, you can fix minor problems that don’t require a lot of money, if you have some prior knowledge about your vehicle. 

We shall take a look at a few DIY car repairs that are cost-effective.

  • Replacing the battery

Replacing the battery is perhaps one of the easiest DIY repairs. For this purpose, you need to know that the average life of a battery is 4-6 years. Given that, you should be able to anticipate the time when it needs to be replaced. You can purchase a new battery for the vehicle for about $80-$100, depending on the model of the vehicle. Now, to swap the batteries, all you need is a basic set of wrenches and you’re good to go. 

  • Replacing the headlight or taillight

Changing the headlight or the taillight can help you save on money, and it is also easier than it sounds. While garages or auto mechanics may charge you $250 an hour for replacing these headlights or taillights, if you decide to do it yourself, all you need to do is purchase the right bulbs for the vehicle. While changing these bulbs, just make sure you don’t touch them with your bare hands.

  • Changing the brake pads

Now, this may sound risky to some, but if you actually know what you’re doing, this is quite a simple and inexpensive task. To change the brake pads, you need wheel lug wrenches and pliers. You can replace the old ones with newly bought brake pads by simply removing the wheel, taking off the hardware around, taking out the old pads, pushing in the caliper piston and then installing the new ones. Once this is done, just repeat the process backwards to reinstall the hardware. The process gets easier once you try it out a couple of times.


Repairing a vehicle yourself can be easy with a bit of research. However, for complicated issues, you can always consult Toronto Mobile Mechanic, Brampton who are just a phone call away and are known for their skills and experience in the field. 

Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025