The Hero XPulse 200 is an outstanding adventure bike which comes in only one variant. There are five basic colors available for this type of motorbike. The colors available are Panther Black, White, Green, Matte Grey, and Sports Red. It has a full engine power of 199.6 cc. It also comes with a mileage of 17.8 bhp and two-disc brakes for the front and rear. Other amazing features of this bike include an anti-lock brake and a fuel capacity of 13 liters. The Hero Xpulse 200 price is an improved bike version to suit our current demands and taste.

More info for you to note

It has been carefully built with mudguards that are very high, fork gaiters, very broad tyres and a well-built exhaust. The front wheels are 21-inches, while the wheels at the rear are 18-inches. There are 90mm and 170mm wide telescopic frames for the front and back. The seat is 823 mm long with a ground clearance of 220 mm. It also has a five-speed mesh gearbox attached to it, with only a single fuel injection type present. Currently, all carburetor versions of the Hero Xpulse 200 mileage are out of stock and not being produced any more. The only available versions are the fuel injection types. The engine is cooled with engine oil as it operates with a single cylinder. The engine has been built with an advanced fuel system. This helps it run effectively on well programmed fuel injection (PFI). The bike operates on the “Self & Kick Start” option. The front of the bike has a telescopic suspension of 37 mm with a double stroke of 190 mm. While the rear suspension has an adjustable mono-shock feature, this complements the front and rear brakes of 276mm and 220mm petal disc type respectively.

More info on its design

The Hero xPulse 200 price has a tube-like diamond frame with telescopic suspension. The suspension is seen both in front and at the end of the rear. There is a mono-shock suspension. The front forks are 37 mm in size and 220 mm high for the ground clearance. The price of the Hero XPulse 200 has been built with a programmed fuel injection. This fuel injection type makes it run very smoothly. Unlike before, when it used a carburetor version. This means every ride is quieter and more peaceful with a much-reduced noise. The peaceful and noiseless feeling the bike gives is also due to an air cooler operating within. This way, you can ride faster yet smoother on various overtakes and trails with less concern. It is so much fun and such a relief to ride this bike now, due to its upgraded qualities to give a top-notch experience. 


The Hero Xpulse 200 mileage is currently 40 kmpl. This makes it a reasonable, affordable, and efficient bike for daily usage. It has a single cylinder engine that has 4 strokes and a Bore x Stroke of 66.5 x 57.5 mm. Its compression ratio is 10:01, with a maximum power of 17.8 bhp per minute. The unique top-notch feature of the Hero XPluse 200 is its modern and upgraded fuel programming, the Programmed Fuel Injection. You need to be ready to make the right choices with the right level of research. This definitely makes the right difference accordingly.


Monday, Mar 10, 2025